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I seek to develop life-long learners dedicated to social change.

I believe in the innate ability of every person to learn, develop, and grow. 

Ultimately, we grow so we can foster change that leads to the success and prosperity of all people.

I aim to help others make meaning of their experiences through intentional environments and practices that are motivated by value-driven goals, critical understanding, and authentic relationships.

Value-driven goals help an organization to be consistent and targeted in their approach.

Critical understanding challenges an organization to make informed decisions that consider marginalized perspectives and power dynamics within their work.

Authentic relationships are communicative, reciprocal, and connect through valuing each other fully.

These three elements are essential to our collective success and are the foundation of my work.

To achieve environments driven by these principles, I seek to build relationships grounded in curiosity and care. I value a collaborative environment that challenges individuals to reflect, generate ideas, and produce meaningful change. I ask questions to understand and question existing norms. 

I believe that meaningful change requires a commitment to social justice in order to create environments that are accessible and inclusive of all. In my work, I strive to contribute to a culture of innovation, education, and community that empowers diverse people to make socially just change.

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